Friday, May 31, 2013


I am trying to grow some lettuce.  I think lettuce is a cool weather crop, but it seems to be doing okay for now. At least I have enough for one salad.:)

This morning I drove behind this for a while...

I had lunch with my mother today.  This cherry tomato plant was growing in one of her hanging plants.  She has no idea how it got there.  Birds we think.

I got home late a light quick dinner....

Mine - I was hungrier.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chris Hadfield - Space Oddity

I love this video of  Canadian Space Commander  Chris Hadfield
It's been all over the internet.  He just came back from spending months at the space station.
He had been doing you tube videos of his time up there, eventually he has become quite popular.

This evening is very windy at the lake.

Frogs are everywhere...

The twin's roses are doing well I would say.


His - Beef, kale, mashed sweet potatoes and an avocado.
Mine - same but a salad instead of the beef

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


It took awhile and lots of tries but I got this little fellow! He/she is building a nest somewhere.

I don't always save frogs....squished in the driveway

Since tests show I have osteoporosis in my hip, I am trying to drink more smoothies, as you can pack them full of powerful foods.  It is hard for me cause I like to chew...drinking is not my thing. After two of these, spinach, kiwi, banana, blueberries and coconut water...I was still hungry!

My boss has complied a list of the best 100 books. As I expressed interest, he recommended I start with Blindness.  It is about a city hit by an epidemic of blindness.  Authorities confine the blind to an empty mental hospital. You can well imagine what happens.


His - Pork chop, potatoes cubes, yellow squash with tomatoes, onions and orange peppers.

Mine - same except salad instead of pork

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Here are some random pictures from the three day weekend.  In no particular order, just what interested me at the moment.

Our non native, quite invasive Boston ferns.  The warm winter did not kill them back this year.

I believe this is a male Sago Palm.

It's nice having the boat back where it belongs.

I used my Amazon gift card from my son, and bought myself a hot off the press health book.

Did a little knitting on that sweater that I have been working on forever.

Yes, I did some cooking...

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Most Floridians enjoy Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer, outdoors.

My son and friends went boating...

The grandchildren are at their other grandparent's home.

Addie enjoying swimming.

And Addie helping mom get prettty.

The mechanic and I puttered around the house.
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

It's back and running better than ever!

After a minor problem...Chris was sent to Walmart to purchase the problem part.

We bought our 1970 Jewell (built in Sanford Florida) in 1982. The mechanic bought it from one of his customers who was elderly and could no longer take it out. 

After the repair, off we went.  Chris and I rode in the back of the twin's truck, just like country folks do.  The boat landing is only a few miles away.

The boat launch... after a year without our boat on the Lake.

 ...away we go...

It is nice to be back on the Lake, we sure have missed the beauty of it.

Back home the twin was waiting for us, he was doing what he loves...

When it was all said and done I realized I had my camera on the wrong setting.  Trust me, I won't be quitting my day job to become a photographer!

Thanks Chris for all your help with the launch!