Monday, August 31, 2015

Video...lake sounds...

Dinner...Baked Zucchini Boats with Beef, onions, bell peppers, salsa and Cheddar...
 I'm always looking for ways to get the mechanic to eat more zucchini, as it isn't his favorite.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


The twin came over this morning ready to work in the yard...

 He and the mechanic were excited to try the new chain saw...worked like a charm on the large branch...

 Still raining...

 I'm two fisting books...
Dinner tonight...
Oops...a tad bit burned...but still good.
Dinner yesterday...
Beef eye round roast, green beans with onions and yellow and red bell pepper, baked sweet potatoes and spinach.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Sister-in-law picture update...Volcanic rock near Flagstaff.

I'm enjoying my Friday's off...

We are waiting to see what Tropical Storm Erica will far no rain for us!

Country road at way...
 ...the other way...
My son-in-law enjoying a pre-birthday celebration!
Steak and kale salad.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

We had a large Maple tree branch come down with last night's storm...

The mechanic is going to have the twin try out his new gas powered chain saw that our son-in-law bought for him...
The twin is taking the families 45 year old chain saw for repairs...hopefully parts will be available.
 It's been a great saw, keeping us supplied with firewood for many years...
 Update on the dead deer in the's trace that it was ever there...Gator bait!

Dinner...the mechanic normally doesn't like breakfast for he did!
Bacon, sun-side eggs and toast.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wishing Elvis happy national doggie day...
...and wishing Zoey happy national doggie day!

My sister-in-law's beautiful morning with a clear view after a rainy night...
 My view tonight...We had rain today after two days of hot, muggy sunshine.

 Message Chris found in a car...

Steak with onions and mushrooms, grated yellow squash with corn and tomatoes.

back to school for all the kiddos

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My sister-in-law's view...from Arizona...
...and this awesome view from her was taken during a hail storm!

Chris gave me one of his leftover pork chops for my lunch...I love them but the mechanic is tired of pork so he hasn't been inclined to cook any.
Grass fed beef smothered in onions, garlic, red and orange mini bell peppers and cubed potatoes with corn and lots of butter.

My thoughts about finding a new job!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Since reading Elizabeth Gilbert's, "The Signature of all Things" I will never look at moss in the same way.

 The mechanic loves to rescue plants that I have given up on! An Alligator cactus....
 Chris' view...

...and since I forgot to take a dinner is what Chris is grilling tonight...
Grilled pork chops with onions and mushrooms.
Elvis is enjoying a pork chop bone...