Sunday, June 30, 2019


banana bloom

tiny red peppers

Our neighbors who own the pecan grove decided to raise a few cattle. Their property wasn't fenced, so before they obtained the cattle they fenced in most of their property. Several weeks ago when Addie was here and we were on our way into town, we saw six deer stopped at the new fence wondering what was going on and why they couldn't go where they were used to going. Kinda of sad we thought.

Saturday, June 29, 2019


It was a spectacular morning...

Love was in the air...

So was removing rotten wood from the raised vegetable beds...

it's hard work
going to take a few days
to get it done
Meanwhile the grandchildren are enjoying their cousin Sophia's first birthday party...



steak and air fried potatoes

Friday, June 28, 2019


So another large branch fell out of our Maple tree that's next to the house. Called the twin and he came over to check it out... he removed the debris for us...looks like the tree is dying and it's going to have to come down.

The twin also came with me to Tractor Supply to buy these galvanized aluminum raised planters.

We are pairing down the raised vegetable bed garden.

The aluminum beds will replace the rotten wooden ones. The wooden ones are three years old but since they weren't made with treated wood they didn't last long. Looks like I have my work cut out for the long 4th of July weekend.

Peaches...I see a peach crisp in the future...

selfie from last week


I sure do miss sweet Addie. We had such a fun week! I think our favorite part of the week was Addie and I trying to make up a dance. Since she had just come off a dance recital she was in a dancing mood. Her main job was to choreograph the dance for us. This was hard for her as I couldn't do many of the moves (old age) plus I had trouble remembering the moves (old age again)! She finally came up with a dance BeBe could do. Sorry I didn't record it but Gary had many chuckles watching Addie showing me how to move my hips! Both Gary and Addie said I'm a bad hip shaker...but I did get better! Thanks for a great week Addie...we love you very much💓💓💓

thought we were going to get a nice rain storm
the twin got it
we didn't

Thursday, June 27, 2019

So, while I'm doing my floor stretches I keep my eye on the lake for the perfect time to go take a lake photo. I have to get down there quickly as the light changes so very quickly!

Addie and I fed the fish twice a day to get ready for when her parents and Connor would be arriving to celebrate Father's Day and to bring Addie back home. Also for Connor to have his week at the lake. Fishing was on the agenda for the weekend.

my girls

me and my big girl 💓💓💓

my boy

 Gary enjoyed the Father's Day attention. He was spoiled with several new books!

Addie checking out her dad's Father's Day gift.

Breakfast is always a highlight for us.

these grandchildren of ours are growing up so fast😯

Snap Chat from Stacy...


looks like i might be on a mango kick

broccoli and salmon

the health people i follow on social media seem to like this salt
i bought some for Chris to try as he is a salt connoisseur
he loved it 
so i bought some for Gary and i

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


So...I drove Addie to Target to get a treat. She loves dolls and has several American Girls, this is her trying to decided which item for us to buy, another American doll or the scooter.  After much thought she picked the Jeep that wasn't even a consideration in this photo!

Uncle Chris treated her to an Amazon gift card, so she ordered a new outfit for one of her dolls. The umbrella is really cool.

We also went to the twin's lake place for a boat ride.

She got to help lower the twin's boat off the lift.

 We even went part way into the canal that joins our lake with his lake.

 As hot as it as been, I'm bringing the boys cold watermelon pieces tomorrow...

Just finished...

Gary is on the final book of this seven book series...

I've never seen him enjoy a book as much as these...well maybe Stephen King or David Baldacci.



pork stir fry
i got a kick out of this little fun fact in the gainesville sun
one would think if you are a vegan
you might be interested in your health
so you might not want to eat
the treats they are recommending😱