Monday, August 31, 2020

This morning

A week ago...the view is always changing...always spectacular... 

School is back in session...somewhat!

Devin showing me a customer's vehicle that was towed to us because someone had put sugar and flour in their gas tank.

Told mom my favorite fruit was a fig...

So she asked me to make a fig pie...

Just finished these two library books...



pork chop, mac and cheese and string beans

Monday, August 17, 2020


love this photo

Morning light...

The techs looking for a water leak from a sunroof...

Devin likes a clean shop...

he does a great job

Devin sent me this photo...

This is how my pepper plants looks like most hot afternoons...

...luckily it always bounces back after I water it.

G's current read...

Photo from Stacy...


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Devin's shiny tool...he says he doesn't use it often...but he is glad to have it when he needs it.

axle puller

morning light

New recipe...

i will taste it tomorrow
good thing i like seeds 



bake chicken and sweet potato and broccoli


Monday, August 10, 2020


evenings can be just as special as mornings

Little video of our baby armadillo...taken from our bedroom sliding glass door...

Does this photo remind you of Goldilocks and the tree bears...

this chair is toooooo big

Currently reading...correct nose breathing is so important to our overall health. 

The grandchildren are enjoying time with their cousin...



G. likes a little taco with his taco sauce

this is so me

Sunday, August 9, 2020



morning light

So...G. and I have repaired the pool pump many times in the years we have had the pool. We finally figured out a short cut (well G. did) the dreaded repair was done much quicker than anticipated.

Little video to show G. at physical therapy...

Snap-Chat from so close to the beach sure is convenient ...

Stacy knows how much I love clouds...



steak, broccoli and bake potato