Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Elvin was in the house! Says he misses us.

Devin's wife was in a small accident...her BMW was totaled...the other vehicle, an SUV hardly had a scratch.

This is what a blower motor looks like when a rodent has moved in.

Looks like G's new engine and transmission is ready to go in...hope Devin is ready.

Mom's dinner prep...

pork roast with peppers and onions for flavor



pork chop, mash potatoes, asparagus, mushroom and zucchini


Monday, September 21, 2020


I can't decide which photo I like better.

Last week our resident hawk flew into the shop and injured his wing. Boyd called the Florida Wildlife people and was instructed on how to capture it and keep it safe until they arrived to pick it up.

It turns out the person who arrived to pick up the hawk is a regular shop customer!

Meanwhile turtles are roaming our lime-rock road...

Devin shared his weekend DIY project photos with me.  Before....

these bar stools are for sale if anyone is interested
they ordered newer much cooler looking ones

After... he and his wife epoxied license plates to the top of the bar...He said it was an easy and quick job😉
Nice job Devin and wife.

Store bought tomatoes are pretty but not as tasty as my homegrown ones.

But it looks like I've got some self seeding plants...

I think they are the tiny tomatoes...not the real big ones.

Currently reading...

bars are open
library is still closed


Wednesday, September 16, 2020


 The sky colors change daily...

We help out a local body shop when they have a mechanical repair they can't handle...

Chris showing me how a shattered window holds together...

Chris pointed out because vehicles can be low to the ground and curb parking...our customers tend to rip their plastic underliners to pieces...this car managed to keep theirs intact...just ruin everything else 😧

Looks like G's new engine arrived...just now waiting for the new transmission...

...meanwhile he is enjoying driving my mother's car😁



grilled pork chop, bake potato, white acre peas and stewed tomatoes.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Devin removed a few Palm trees to make room for a larger home garage...
I see from the root system why they can stay upright during a hurricane...

JT got a new vehicle...the speaker on the right is the one he will install in the new vehicle...the one on the left was installed in his old much smaller vehicle!

The grandchildren had fun making pizza over their aunt Nancy and uncle Tim's house...

Makes me want a pizza...

Dinner tonight...not pizza 😩


bake potato, chicken tenders with onions and mushrooms

gift from Chris

Morning shadow...
oat grouts with walnuts
for breakfast
it tastes better than it looks

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 This morning...

This evening...

So...this is what an engine lifter is supposed to look like...

...when it looks like are looking at needing a new engine...

Looks like Gary's 1994 Olds 88 is going to get a new engine and new transmission😱

we talked about getting a new vehicle
there isn't any vehicle that appeals to G.
we are content 
what we have

The office is the only place to be when this is happening...

The African Violet I started from a cutting has bloomed 😊