Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I had the day off from work to get ready for the Thanksgiving holidays.  It rained most of the day, good for housecleaning and baking. I didn't want to buy cookies and processed snacks for the grandchildren so I had to find some alternatives.

I made a raw carrot cake with a citrus frosting.  When I found the recipe I thought, so easy, no baking and I had most of the ingredients. Had I read further I would have seen I needed my food processor and my blender (big clean-up) and I needed 1 cup finely grated carrots. That grating took awhile.  Hope to get lots of good feedback on that one. I can't remember where I found that recipe so I can't site it.
The carrot cake bars have a cashew frosting.

I also made Chai-Spiced Pumpkin Bars (you can find the recipe here). Only I made it in a pie plate as I only have one 8x8 pan. So it looks like a pumpkin pie.

The turkey is thawing...

I saw this little snake outside. 

My son met a new friend at work today.  Doesn't that brown cow have a pretty face?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday morning...
The Thanksgiving holiday is keeping FAR very busy...People who are traveling want their cars in tip top shape.  Lots of oil changes and check overs.

I saw these at my sister-in-law's house last week and loved the purple color.

Dinner...I used the turkey meat from yesterday's turkey stock to make a stir-fry.
Turkey, asparagus, onions, garlic, tomato and broccoli Rabe over brown rice Soba noodles and a beet salad.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Windy Sunday

My second and third attempt at posting 10 second videos. I can't wait for the grandchildren to get here next week to practice some more.
Today was very windy and cold for North Central Florida.
My elephant ears next to my bedroom were just dancing away.
Lamb chop, asparagus and bake potato.

I also got a jump on Thanksgiving cooking by making my turkey stock.

The mechanic wasn't too happy yesterday with his Gators...Oh well, there is always next year.

Saturday, November 23, 2013


The twin fishing on his lake...
Jenny caught a 10lbs catfish.

and several mud fish.
...meanwhile on our lake...
 Spanish moss...
Cypress knees are growing due to the rain we had this summer...makes it hard for the mechanic to mow.

Beer butt chicken

Friday, November 22, 2013


 I stayed home sick today...after a week of being sick, I am not much better. The mechanic insisted I stay home.  It's really nice to have paid sick leave. The mechanic after working for 40 years has never had a paid day for not showing up at work. Nor has he not had to paid for his own medical insurance. Fortunately I have had both most of my career.

This morning while I had my coffee I enjoyed watching the deer eating their breakfast from my new windows!

 My view after and an afternoon light shower.

The twin sent this picture...I guess the fish are biting. Speckled perch...
The mechanic fried shrimp and I made a salad.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


The twin caught a six pound catfish. Catch and release.
My boss said this cartoon from the morning newspaper reminded him of me as I love my roomba and talk about it all the time.
Today on the NBS new...eating nuts everyday is recommended for healthy living.  I want to remind everyone to soak them overnight for maximum nutrituion. The mechanic agreed to try eating his almonds soaked.
Dinner...meatless Wednesday...
Stuffed mushroom with tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, onions and brown rice and a salad

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


The twin came over Sunday to cut down one of our bamboo shoots. Bamboo is in the grass family and one of the fastest growing plants. Some of ours are ready to be made into fishing poles.

 This is one of the joints. You have to know right where to cut it.
 As you can see the stem is hollow.
 Ready for transport.