Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 Morning city view...

Work at the shop goes on...

Devin is replacing a blower motor...

Snap Chat from Stacy...Addie had a field trip today...

no school uniform today

Then came home and ...

right-tea for G
left-hibiscus tea for me

Chris and I walked in a new neighborhood last night.  These homes are right behind his subdivison.  We are enjoying seeing how the other half lives!

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

 My morning ray of sunshine...

When living in a gated community there is always yard work going on.  The manicured lawns require constant work. This has sent Gary's allergies into overdrive!

The shop has been very that people are driving more...

We don't normally work on vehicles that look like this...but people love their cars for whatever reason.

Looks like we work on our own lawnmowers...

sometimes we need professional help

This is a walking trail near Chris' house...a creek is on the right.

One of his orchids in bloom...


cauliflower pizza on the right
traditional pizza on the left

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Life in the city


66 degrees
maybe Fall is here?

No lake view these days. I've been living in town since early February. Gary joined me August 24th.  We miss the lake but are adjusting to town living (I think). I just wanted to shock everyone with a blog post!

Gary is also adjusting to his new hearing aids. He lost hearing in his right ear. This happened overnight. The doctor's have no explanation or reason for this. Evidently this is a more common problem than people realize.

charging station
nice not to have to deal with 
tiny batteries

the hearing aid is small
you really don't notice it

I do miss our king size bed...but this Queen has the legs and head feature that goes up and it's a sleep number mattress. 

now if only i can train Gary to stay on his side

For enjoyment I'm back to reading novels...

this is a Reese Witherspoon
book club selection
I find I like most of
her recommendations

This is Gary's current read...

Even thought I have a short commute I'm enjoying audio books...

loved this one
of course
it had a British reader

I'm also loving my new has a touch screen...part tablet...part computer...

my little corner

I made air fried chicken wings for Chris...

Chris and I walk daily...found this little spot near his house...almost feels like home!

I still get and love my snap chats from Stacy...