The mechanic and I decided to spice up our remodeling!
Our home was bought 36 years ago. It was a small weekend cottage. We have since added on as our family grew. The original part of the house has never been remodeled. So our project is to remodel that part of the house.
We are first starting by removing the fireplace and installing very large windows. We want to capitalize on our lakefront view.
In the past the mechanic, his twin and our son did all of our projects. we hired a contractor...Ted. It's great coming home and finding all the work done while we are out earning the money to pay for the work being done.
So the work begins...this is what we have so far after three days of Ted being hired.
This is what remodeling looks like...a big mess!
For lunch I made a broccoli soup and an tomato and avocado sandwich. I used my good china as it is just sitting there on the pool table.
Sausage links, Provencal vegetable tian(eggplant, zucchini, potato and tomatoes...baked for an hour and a half)and a salad. |