Monday, April 8, 2019

An accident detoured me to the UF campus...the shop isn't near campus so I forget what a busy place it is. It has grown since I worked there 25 years ago! Hard to believe I worked there for 20 years.

Well,what was an oil leak turned into a very big project for Elvin. He had to remove my engine and transmission to get to it.  Gary thinks whoever replaced the timing belt didn't replace the seals. He has instructed Elvin to replace everything he thinks it might need๐Ÿ˜€

 Looking up...

hope Elvin remembers where everything goes

I'm driving the Olds and Gary has his old truck...

Hard to believe these are an endangered species as our lakefront is covered in them.  As wet as it is at the shore line Gary hasn't been able to mow in ages.

Photo from Connor...

he and his sister didn't have school today
so they got to watch a house on their street being demolished
making way for a bigger and newer house



me - forbidden rice with kidney beans and tomatoes

Gary - yellow rice with peas and chicken meatballs

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