Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I had the unexpected pleasure of spending three days in Tampa with the grandchildren and their other grandmother! Stacy and John spent the weekend at Stacy's Tarpon Springs Triathlon.
 They had rain most of their time there. Stacy stayed soaked for most of the race.
We had a blast...those young ones kept us on our toes!
We picked up Addie from Pre-K...We were curious to see her classroom...

 The grandmother's approved...and she loves going there...it was T-day so Addie brought her toothy tiger to class...
We then picked up Connor at his after school program...a Martial art school (Taekwon-do).
It was a nice a change to have Connor reading to us instead of us reading to him...and don't we all remember how much we love spelling test...

Stacy made sure I had plenty of fuel for the weekend...she made me a bullet coffee made with ghee.
 Me...before the parents left picture...relaxing!
...and in case anyone was wondering where the sister-in-law is...still not in Florida...
Chicken strips with onions and green bell peppers, mash pumpkin, couscous with white acre peas.
My little Acura drove like a charm down to Tampa...thanks to Chris who spotted a leaking hose and fixed it before I left.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Brigitte - thank for stopping by my blog. Did you make the arroz con pollo yet? And do I know you from my days in Tampa?
