Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Publix had some nice and unusual flowers for 

Thanksgiving turned out to be a working two days for our older and younger kids...

As of last year when Addie did such a great job preparing the was decided to make it a tradition...

she really does a great job rubbing the butter on the turkey
Stacy seasons it

...she also sets the table.

Meanwhile Connor did some yard work for Dom...

He harvested mom's lemons...

They are huge...hard to believe how big they are.

John also helped  He replaced all the hinges on the kitchen cabinets...

Stacy of course helped with the cooking and clean up.

She also taught Connor how to carve the turkey...

So...this will be his job from now on...I told him to look up some YouTube videos so next year we will have more slices...

I forgot to take a photo of the turned out nice...this is Gary's plate.

Our working family😁

I made the pies...

gluten free pumpkin and pecan pies

John also has a continuing job of replacing rotten boards on our deck... he replaces a few boards every time he visits...

Another great Thanksgiving in the books.

On to the next holiday!


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