Thursday, January 21, 2021

7:30 am

The hazards of having your outdoor plants indoor for the cold weather...

So when I asked Devin what this was he showed to solder a wire...

Mom bought an Newave all in one air fryer, toaster, dehydrater, roaster and grill. Here we air fried some eggplant slices.



Mahi-Mahi and pineapple slice


Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Frost on the grass...

The grandchildren had yesterday off...

...and so did their parents...

I made a new friend at the shop today...

So...sometimes to fix a vehicle we have to get to the problem area...

all the stuff on the ground came from the trunk and
it all had to be removed and replaced



grilled pork chop and tator tots
i had quinoa 

Saturday, January 16, 2021


7:39 am

I spent the morning working on W2s and shop paperwork...

If you wonder what technicians do on their days off...they wash their vehicles!

Pool maintenance is easy but when I have a problem with the pool cleaning robot I call the big guy for help!

And don't worry his flip phone is just fine.



bake potato with onions and mushrooms, air fried chicken strips

Friday, January 15, 2021


7:13 am

Mom hasn't left the house except for the doctor or hospital in close to a year...but when your dishwasher breaks and you need a new one...well she went and bought one.

she said on line shopping isn't for her

Gary's phone went swimming in the's hoping it will dry out and work.

Not a good photo but the clouds were awesome on my drive home tonight...

6:06 pm

This week I've had a flat tire (again) and now a check engine light...and check out how many miles are on the I guess I shouldn't be surprised...

Thursday, January 14, 2021

7:09 monday
today was foggy
not a pretty morning

I like the black rims on this white truck...most rims are silver.

Technical malfunction...

Dirty in cabin air filter...

...a tiny dead surprise in it.

On a happier note Devin saved this baby fox squirrel...

It was a grab a large hot soy latte from your local coffee shop kind of day...



rare beef


Thursday, January 7, 2021


7:37 am

Sometimes a customer has to make tough decisions...this is a 1995 Jeep... 

the customer is paying us 3 hours labor to tear it down to see how bad his damage is. It will either be a $2,000 fix or a $5,500 fix. Or get rid of the vehicle.

Meanwhile the body of this vehicle is not in good shape.
foam sealer underneath

rebar holding up the drivers seat

carpet protruding under the vehicle

The upper circle on this head gasket is the way it should be...bottom circle is the problem


Shrimp were good, tad bit dry...overcooked...too much work for a weeknight.

air fried coconut shrimp, mac and cheese and broccoli
forgot to take salad photo and forgot to put olives in it 😖