Friday, March 31, 2017


Low water update photos...

Shop view...all clouds no rain today.
The war has begun...killed 6 worms on our tomatoes.
Okra looking good.


Gary also had leftover mac and cheese and he grilled a steak...rare of course.

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Photo from John - Plumeria flowers

Evidently there is a whole group of people who have cards that do this...
Our good friend and customer has to be a really large tow truck...

I haven't printed pictures in ages...So it was fun to get these in the mail...

Gary came home with 30 tomato cages!

TBT - Baby Addie

Barbecue chicken wings, white rice and kidney beans and a salad.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Customer's dash ornament...
 Grandma's wild bunny...
New oil free salad dressing...
Avocado, lime, dates, celery, cilantro, spices and dulse flakes.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Gift from Chaz...
Chaz and his boy...
 Patio tomatoes...
Veggie stir fry with whole wheat pasta.

Early morning walk with mom...

New door sign...

 Chaz...just sitting around...

My library haul...can you tell which two are mine and which two are Gary's?

Cucumber flower...

Oyster mushroom...
Pork rounds oven potatoes, left over cole slaw and a salad.

Sunday, March 26, 2017


Addie turns six today!
Looks like her parents made it a special day! Happy Birthday Princess!
It sure was a beautiful day for her.

Looks like Gary is really serious about growing tomatoes...
Onion, sun dried tomatoes, tomatoes, red peppers and lemon juice

Baked chicken, brown rice with broccoli...topped with salsa.

I put salsa on my salad as well.
Happy Birthday to our precious grand-daughter! Grandpa and I love you very much!