Monday, November 30, 2015

My view country road freshly grated...

I'm missing my perfect little grand-dog...
Here is a cute little video I took early Saturday morning.  Connor is into drawing and writing stories...Addie is into playing and I was doing my needlepoint.

Chicken with onions, green peppers and potatoes, green beans and a salad.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


Another Thanksgiving in the books...the grandchildren and their parents have gone home...back to work...

Addie was into selfies this visit...

...then of course I had to get in on the fun...

 Addie showing off her skating boo-boo...

Gary and I had sandwiches tonight so no dinner picture...having children Stacy did have to cook when she got home...
...and Chris made boiled peanuts in his slow cooker...
Our Thanksgiving cactus...

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015 was a success...everyone pitched in...Addie assembled a relish tray...

 Stacy set the table, mashed the potatoes and assembled the dressing...
John carried the first year making a fresh, hormone and range free turkey...well worth the money...
Alison made the salad and green beans...
 Jan helped carve and brought the pies...
 Chris helped his dad carve and brought cheese...

Connor and Addie drawing place markers...

 Connor ran the Roomba...and the twin was in charge of the yard and recreation...
 and we all ate...
 I forgot the rolls so I improvised with Italian bread from Publix...and salad on the side...

Four generations...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Another picture from the grand-children's vacation...looks like it's still cold!
I miss Chris working out in the field and all the pictures he use to send me...My view yesterday afternoon...
...and at Publix while eating my lunch in my car...this bird had his/her own feast...a frog I believe.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Years ago the twin bought and installed a tether ball for Stacy and Chris.  We removed it years ago but kept the pole.
The twin decided the grand-kids might enjoy playing the game so he reinstalled it. 
 As you can see the twin warmed up a bit and had to remove his jacket.

...all that's missing are the grand-kids...they are coming back for Thanksgiving...right now they are enjoying themselves in the cold.
 Connor is suppose to bring me back some leaves...hope they are prettier than this one!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Me at my new job...overwhelmed...
The grandchildren are here for one night on their way to their vacation...
 Addie helping me make breakfast for her dad...
Here she picked a very large weed...
and her brother raiding some village somewhere in tablet land...
 and her mom  always working...

Here Addie and Connor are playing one of their new games of sock fighting with all my new soft birthday socks!

 They stopped by the Dixie relatives for a short visit on their way up north.
Megan, Connor, Layla, Addison, Ian and Judson
My early riser and breakfast eater in Dixie Georgia...