It turns out that our sister-in-law works for food just like the thank her for designing FAR's new
website we invited her and the non twin brother over for dinner.
The mechanic wanted to try something new on his we put a 14lb turkey in 2 cups bourbon and 4 cups apple cider and covered with water overnight.
We made a herb butter rub... Fresh herbs...
...and I had to grind Fennel and Coriander seeds in my old spice grinder that my mother bought me on one of her visits to France.
...and grilled for 3 and a half hours.
We had such a good time...someone forgot to take pictures! Proof of the good time is shown in the aftermath...when I remember my camera...everyone was gone.
My Sunday walk around...
The end of a perfect weekend...watching a TED talk and knitting in front of my new windows.