Thursday, July 30, 2015

My sister-in-law's view driving home....
 My view looking for the same rainbow...
And the twin's view almost everyday this summer...

Stacy's view on her vacation...
   This reminds me of the mechanic and I learning our new tablets...
This makes me think of Africa and Cecil, the lion the dentist killed.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I drive by the airport twice a day to get to work...I'm always looking for a close up plane far this is the best I have done.
Happy 30th anniversary Jan and Rick!
Their dinner at Blue Gator...
Fish Tacos with gator bite appetizers in the background.

Grouper sandwich

Jan sent me this picture taken of the siblings many...many...many years gray hairs in the bunch!
Chris sent this photo...what he is reading...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Is anyone else out there getting tired of all the rain?

Gifts from the bosses as we start to disassemble the office. Sixty days to go...

Ducks at North Florida Regional...

 Mom's blood pressure was high so we went to the ER to get drugs to lower it...per her doctor's instructions...went home a few hours later...all is now well.

Friday, July 24, 2015


Early morning drive to Jacksonville...

 After that drive we feel so glad to live in a the country...even after weeks of rain and high humidity...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

It's always a treat to see and capture deer in "our" was a sight to see a female cozying up to a young buck!

 Little brother's pet lizard...bad picture...but it changed to the exact color of the lives on the front porch.

Sausage, Cole slaw and fried potatoes with onions.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Photos from Jan...paintings by Bill Roberts...their foreman at the Double F Ranch.

Chris' Florida native orchids are enjoying all the humidity we have been enjoying!